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Anesthesiology Interest Group (AIG)

Anesthesiologist in the operating room

AIG is dedicated to helping medical students successfully enter the field of anesthesiology as well as explore different subspecialties.

The UCI Anesthesiology Interest Group aims to educate medical students about the field of anesthesiology through various means such as lectures, discussions, research experiences, annual meetings, events, question-and-answer sessions, and hands-on clinical skills workshops. Additionally, the group will provide guidance and support on the residency application process. It will also facilitate mentorship interactions between medical students, residents, and faculty members.

Medical Student Mentor Program

The Medical Student Mentor Program offers a structured opportunity for medical students to learn about the field of anesthesiology and to make informed career decisions with the guidance of a mentor. By participating in this program, medical students will have the chance to establish a mentoring relationship with faculty members, participate in research or quality improvement projects, and get experience through shadowing opportunities. The program also provides medical students with the chance to explore various subspecialties and interests within anesthesiology by shadowing not only with their mentor but with other professionals as well.

Limited positions are available. Interested medical students can reach out to the AIG Co-Presidents for additional information.

Contact Information

If you are interested in joining AIG or participate in future scheduled events, contact:

Robert Victor, MS4

Sami Strutner, MS4

Kyle Paredes, MD, MBA
Faculty Advisor
Assistant Dean, Student Affairs
Director, Medical Student Education