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Grand Rounds and Visiting Professor Program

The grand rounds visiting professor program invites experts from different institutions to give interactive lectures on a wide spectrum of topics.

Thursdays | 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.


Brian M. Ilfeld, MD
UC San Diego School of Medicine

"The Fatal Flaw in Most Randomized Controlled Trials: Identification and Rectification"

Seema Gandhi, MD

"Clinical Decarbonization: Impact on the Double Bottom Line"

Matthew C. Wixson, MD
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

"DEI: From Acronym to Action"

Stephanie Davidson, DO
Physician Partner, US Anesthesia Partners

"Mass Casualty: It’s Not Just About the OR Anymore"

Maxime Cannesson, MD, PhD
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

"Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems in the Perioperative Setting"


Itay Bentov, MD, PhD
UW Medicine

"How to Assess Frailty and What to Do if You Identify It"

Rodney Gabriel, MD
UC San Diego School of Medicine

"Regional Anesthesia in Cardiac Surgery"

Christine T. Nguyen-Buckley, MD and Ruth A.H. Bickett-Hickok, MD
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

"Liver Transplant Anesthesia: Management of Intraoperative Critical Events"

Annette Y. Schure, MD
Boston Children's Hospital

"Anesthesia Management of Patients with Congenital Heart Disease presenting for Non-Cardiac Procedures"

Jeffrey L. Tong, MD
The University of Chicago

"Pre-Hospital Care and Trauma Anesthesia in a Hostile Environment"

Davinder Ramsingh, MD
Loma Linda Medical Center

"Perioperative Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) a 2023 Update"

Anthony Doufas, MD, PhD
Stanford Medicine

"Obstructive Sleep Apnea and The Adult Preoperative Patient"

Past Grand Rounds Visiting Professors


Ana Maria Crawford, MD
Stanford Medicine

"Global Health as Anesthesiologists: Where do we start?"

Jennifer M. Lucero, MD
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

"Reducing Disparities in Women's Health through the EDI Lens"

Seema Ghandi, MD

"Let's Rethink: Every Syringe... Every Case"

Alexandra L. Anderson, MD
Mayo Clinic

"Anesthesia for Liver Transplantation"


Matthieu Legrand, MD, PhD

"Modulation of the Renin-angiotensin System in Perioperative and Critical Care Medicine"

Donny Suh, MD, MBA
UCI Gavin Herbert Eye Institute

"Eye Global Health Outreach: Past, Present, and Future"

Sudheer Potru, DO
Emory University School of Medicine

"Perioperative Management of the Substance Use Disorder Patient"

Timothy Angelotti, MD, PhD
Stanford Medicine

"GI Anesthesia: A Role for a Perioperative Physician"

Samuel L. Chen, MD
UCI School of Medicine

"Management of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Anesthetic Considerations from the Vascular Surgeon's Perspective"

Elizabeth Whitlock, MD

"Cognitive Change After Surgery for Older Adults: How We Got Here and How We Move Forward"

Catherine M. Kuza, MD
Keck School of Medicine

"Oh, that’s normal, you’re pregnant!
The Truth Behind Peripartum Cardiomyopathy"

Felipe D. Perez, MD
Stanford Medicine

"Anesthesiologists as Health Equity Leaders"

Ronald B. George, MD

"Labor Analgesia: Evidence, Real-life and What Lies Ahead"


Rachel Eshima, MD

"Updates in Preoperative Evaluation"

Antonio Hernandez Conte, MD, MBA
Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center

"AHIV Infection in the 21st Century - Implications for the Anesthesiologist; Lessons Learned and Insights"

Lawrence Schwartz, MD
School of Medicine, University of Colorado
Children's Hospital Colorado

"Anesthesia for Adults with Congenital Heart Disease"

Carlo D. Franco, MD
Cook County Health

"Consolidating PECS/Serratus Blocks into SAP Block for Breast Surgery"

Nabil Elkassabany, MD
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

"From Evidence-Based to Value-Based Practice"

Nancy Harazduk, MEd, MSW
Georgetown University School of Medicine

"Physician Renewal and Resilience: Calming the Mind, Healing the Body, and Renewing the Spirit”

Chad Brummett, MD
Michigan Medicine University of Michigan

"The Role of Acute Care Prescribing in the Opioid Epidemic"

Sandy Sanbar, MD, PhD, JD
American Board of Legal Medicine

"Cannabis (Marijuana): Medical and Legal Aspects"