Our talented alumni are helping shape the future of healthcare across the globe as clinicians, educators and researchers. Residents and fellows who may have left the University of California, Irvine years ago, but they will always be part of our anesthesiology family.
Our alumni base continues to grow in size and diversity. We encourage all our alumni to stay in touch and we hope to hear from you as you make your mark in the world. We hope you will keep us updated with current email address, phone number, employment or changes to your name.
Our alumni are a valuable resource for networking and mentorship for our residents and fellows. Current residents and fellows value the time to get acquainted with alumni. Our residency program hosts an event for alumni to speak to residents and fellows about the first hand perspectives on the field of anesthesiology and experiences in the practice.
If you are interested in sharing your experiences and meet with residents and fellows at the next event, email: anesthesiology@hs.uci.edu for more details.
We always hope you will join us during at the UCI Alumni Reception held every year at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.
We are pleased to introduce The UCI Anesthesiology & Perioperative Care Alumni Newsletter, a newsletter for and about our department and alumni. The department has seen dramatic growth in many areas and the newsletter includes highlights of all the activities for the year.
Issue 1 - Fall 2019
If you would like to share what you have been doing, personally or professionally, email: anesthesiology@hs.uci.edu your accomplishments, activities and photos to include in our next Alumni Newsletter.